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Animal Nutrition Phosphate
DCP-Dicalcium Phosphate 18%
Feed additive application
DCP-Dicalcium Phosphate 18%,The product is widely used as an additive of feed for livestock and domestic fowls and as supplementary of phosphorus and calcium needed by them.Used to promote the hybridization rate,embryo protect rate and survive rate of domestic animals.Improves the disease bearing capability of domestic animals, forefend many diseases.Promote the animals’s growth rate,re-production capacbility,hatchability/fertility rate .Promote the quality of eggs and flash,promote the output of milk.Improves digestion,feed conversion ratio and utilisation of nutrients.
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Product Detail
Feed additive DCP-Dicalcium Phosphate 18%
Molecular formula: CaHPO4·2H2O 
National Standard: GB 22549-2017
CAS Number: 7757-93-9
It occurs as a white, odourless, fine powder wich is stable in air,chemically obtained from inorganic sources. It has a low solubility in water, but it's readily soluble in diluted acids and in ammonium citrate.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
Special mark could be Customized


No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Total phosphorus(P) content ≥% 18
2 Calcium Content(as Ca) ≥ % 21
3 Citric Acid Soluble P ≥% 14
4 Fluoride F ≤ % 0.18
5 Plumbum Pb (mg/Kg) ≤ 15
6 Cadmium Cd (mg/Kg) ≤ 10
7 Mercury (mg/Kg) ≤ 0.1
8 Arsenic As (mg/Kg) ≤ 10
9 Chrome Cr (mg/Kg) ≤ 30
10 Particle size(Pass 0.5mm Mesh) ≥ % 90
11 Moisture ≤% 2.5
12 pH (1% solution in water 5.0-6.5
13 Dioxins (WHO-TEQ)( ng/kg) ≤ 0.75
14 Dioxins + dioxin-like PCBs ( ng/kg) ≤ 1.0
15 not dioxin-like PCB (μg/Kg) ≤ 10
16 Solubility of Phosphorus in:
Citric acid 2%:-
neutral ammonium citrate
alkaline ammonium citrate:
10 - 15%

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